New scholarship for ArchGH staff and ministers

Presenting a limited-time offer for Houston-Galveston Archdiocesan staff and ministry leaders admitted to the MAFC program for Fall 2025 (application deadline July 1, 2025).

500X330_MAFC_IntroHow does one live as a person of faith today?

How is the Gospel asking us to respond—personally and pastorally—to the present cultural moment?

Those questions lie at the heart of the Nesti Center's 36-hour Master’s in Faith & Culture.

In response, our curriculum is designed to form leaders seeking to live with greater faith, hope and love in today’s world while ministering to others.

Our students compose a diverse, supportive cohort from a variety of ministries, careers, vocations and faith backgrounds. What unites them is a common search for Truth, a longing for the fellowship and perspective of fellow seekers, and a desire to root their lives and work more deeply in Christ through the Catholic intellectual tradition. Our curriculum draws on the riches of Scripture, Church Tradition and social science research to identify the worldview and ideological forces at work in the dominant American culture, and discern how the Gospel message transcends, challenges, and redeems that framework.

The MAFC curriculum emphasizes the practical and pastoral application of Church teaching as articulated in the documents of Vatican II, with special attention to ongoing spiritual transformation, interpersonal and ecumenical dialogue, and ‘full, conscious, active participation’ in the communal life of the Church.


The Graduate Certificate in Faith and Culture program is rooted in the same course offerings as the M.A. in Faith and Culture degree program. It can be completed with half the credit hours and allows you to enrich your academic or professional career while earning a recognized credential.

Requirements Disclaimer:
International students who wish to maintain or obtain an I-20 form and F-1 student visa or status should participate in the in-person program option.