The Master in Liberal Arts at UST is a multidisciplinary Master’s degree, a flexible alternative to a traditional Master’s degree, with courses and electives from among several concentration areas. Students enjoy small classes and personal attention, with many evening options, along with study abroad and internship opportunities. The Master in Liberal Arts degree is a great option for: - Educators looking to advance practical and subject matter expertise
- Professionals looking to advance their careers or to expand job horizons
- Everyone looking to go deeper into the Great Books and Great Ideas in the pursuit of life-long learning.
Additionally, UST offers an Executive MLA program that is designed for working professionals who want to engage with the greatest books of world civilization. The program is offered both in-person and online.
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Concentrations/Tracks OfferedConcentrations/Tracks Offered
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The Executive Master in Liberal Arts is a new MLA track based on study of the Great Books. Designed as a continuing education in the liberal arts, this program is ideal for working professionals who want a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. The program is offered both in-person and online. learn more The Master in Liberal Arts with Interdisciplinary Studies offers students the freedom to customize their degree plan to their interests, and appeals to a diverse range of students who seek professional advancement or personal enrichment. learn more The Master in Liberal Arts with Concentration allows students to expand their liberal arts education, while focusing on a specific academic concentration within the humanities and social sciences. Concentrations include: Applied Music, Communication, Drama, Education, English, Faith and Culture, History, International Studies, Irish Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Theology
learn more The Master in Liberal Arts with Dual Concentration allows students to expand their liberal arts education, while focusing on two specific academic concentrations within the humanities and social sciences. Concentrations include: Applied Music, Communication, Drama, Education, English, Faith and Culture, History, International Studies, Irish Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Theology
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90% of CEO’s Looking for Employees WITH LIBERAL ARTS SKILLS Source: Association of American Colleges & Universities $12,000 More Earned Per Year THAN WITH A BACHELOR’S DEGREE ALONE Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 4 out of 5 Employers Agree ALL STUDENTS SHOULD ACQUIRE
BROAD KNOWLEDGE IN LIBERAL ARTS Source: Association of American Colleges & Universities
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The Executive Master in Liberal Arts is a unique path for the MLA degree. As an alternative to a traditional MLA with a concentration on a particular discipline, the Executive MLA examines a wide range of the Western canon, based on the study of the Great Books. Students will participate in Socratic seminar discussions on topics of personal and public interest with a new understanding from the greatest works of all time. This program is attractive to those wishing to continue their education in the humanities, and expanding their learning and understanding of themselves and the world through such great works. Students will broaden and deepen their cultural foundation, and gain invaluable liberal arts skills highly desired by employers. Ideal for working professionals, students in the Executive MLA track will have access to evening classes both in-person and Socratic online video conferencing.
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The Master in Liberal Arts is an exceptional opportunity for those who would like to obtain a master’s degree and add to their knowledge, especially in areas not covered in their undergraduate education. The MLA program is designed to supplement and enrich a student’s previous education in the liberal arts. Unlike conventional graduate programs with their narrower specializations, the MLA program encourages, in fact by its very nature, requires students to expand their knowledge in various disciplines. The program aims not only at a deeper understanding of each subject studied, but also at an integration of the various aspects of knowledge, art, and life. In an environment infused by the tradition of Catholic higher education, the MLA program at UST gives students the opportunity to stretch their minds to full capacity, and to ponder issues that give full meaning to life.
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Carousel content with 21 slides. A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide. Dr. Thomas Behr Division Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences & Global Studies; Chair, Department of History; Director, Integrated Humanities, and Catholic Social Thought; Interim Chair of Communications; Associate Professor of History Dr. Dominic Aquila Tenured Professor, History; Fellow of the Core; Associate Division Dean of Liberal Studies-Fine Arts; Interim Chair of Music; Director of Allbritton Art Institute Dr. Thomas Harmon Tenured Professor; Scanlan Endowed Chair; Director of MA in Evangelization and Culture; Associate Director of Catholic Studies Dr. Martin Lockerd Division Dean of Core and Centers for Excellence; Director, Core Fellows; Assistant Director of Irish Studies; Associate Professor of English Dr. James Wilson Professor of Humanities; Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing;
Cullen Endowed Chair of English - Slide 1: Dr. Anthony Joseph Professor of History: Director of the MLA Program
- Slide 2: Dr. Thomas Behr
- Slide 3: Dr. Dominic Aquila
- Slide 4: . Joan Allouache Visiting Professor of Music
- Slide 5: Dr. Ulyses Balderas Tenured Associate Professor, International Studies
- Slide 6: Dr. Clinton Brand Associate Professor
Chair, English
- Slide 7: Dr. David Deavel Associate Professor; Chair, Undergraduate Theology
- Slide 8: Ms. Lori Gallagher, J.D. Director, William J. Flynn Center for Irish Studies
- Slide 9: Dr. Emiliano Gonzalez Tenured Professor of Education; Director of Curriculum & Instruction Program
- Slide 10: Dr. Francesca Guerri Assistant Professor
- Slide 11: Dr. Thomas Harmon Tenured Professor; Scanlan Endowed Chair; Director of MA in Evangelization and Culture; Associate Director of Catholic Studies
- Slide 12: Dr. Brady Knapp Tenured Associate Professor; Director of Choral Activities
- Slide 13: Dr. Martin Lockerd Division Dean of Core and Centers for Excellence; Director, Core Fellows; Assistant Director of Irish Studies; Associate Professor of English
- Slide 14: Dr. Janet Lowery Tenured Professor of English
- Slide 15: Mr. Michael Morrison Assistant Professor
- Slide 16: Dr. Mirela Oliva Professor, Philosophy
- Slide 17: Dr. Adam Pugen Assistant Professor
- Slide 18: Dr. Charles Sommer Associate Professor
- Slide 19: Dr. James Wilson Professor of Humanities; Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing;
Cullen Endowed Chair of English
- Slide 20: Dr. Chris Wolfe Associate Professor
- Slide 21: Dr. Rick Young Associate Professor
Pre-Law Advisor
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