Order of St. Thomas Recipients

Order of St. Thomas Recipients“To mark its 25th year, the Center for Thomistic Studies initiated the Order of St. Thomas, to be awarded to persons who have testified to “the incomparable value of the philosophy of Saint Thomas” (Fides et Ratio 5, §57) in their writings, teaching, philanthropy or way of life. Each recipient is presented with a medal bearing an image of Thomas Aquinas and the motto of the Order, Quantum Potes, Tantum Aude: “Dare to do all that you can.”

2019—Dr. Edward Feser, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Pasadena City College

“For making the thought of Thomas Aquinas accessible to both scholars and the general public through his straightforward and forceful argumentation.”

2018—Rev. Stephen L. Brock, Ordinary Professor of Medieval Philosophy, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome

“For keeping the thought of Thomas Aquinas alive through his clear exposition and defense of Thomism.”

2017—Fr. James V. Schall, S.J., Emeritus Professor of Government, Georgetown University

“For his contribution to liberal learning and the Catholic intellectual tradition, and in particular for sharing his scholarly enthusiasm with several generations of students and readers.”

2016—Dr. John Haldane, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, University of St. Andrews

“For his contributions to a living Thomism in particular and to the Catholic intellectual life in general.”

Dr. Mary Catherine Sommers, Professor of Philosophy, University of St. Thomas

“From 2003 to 2014, Dr. Sommers was director of the Center for Thomistic Studies.  Its academic visibility and stature increased dramatically during this period, due in large part to her leadership.”

2015Professor Rémi Brague, Professor of Philosophy, The Université Panthéon-Sorbonne

“For his exemplary contribution to our knowledge of philosophy, both of its ancient and medieval history, and of its applications to contemporary issues in religion and intellectual culture.”

2013—Dr. Joseph M. McFadden, President Emeritus, University of St. Thomas

“In gratitude for his efforts towards building Catholic identity at institutions across the world through the model of St. Thomas Aquinas as teacher and scholar.”

2012—No recipient

2011—Fr. Robert Crooker, CSB

“In honor of his contribution as a Basilian to the renaissance in the study of St. Thomas Aquinas in North America, first at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto and then here at the Center for Thomistic Studies.” 

Ms. Michele Malloy, Chair, Board of Directors, UST

“In gratitude for her contribution to building a Catholic culture on the Board, and in the University—a culture that reaches out into the city of Houston. Without such an environment, our work would become onerous and our faculty dispirited.”

Dr. Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College

“For all he has done to ensure the continuity of the transmission of Aquinas’ thought, but more importantly its comprehension.”

2010- Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, CSB, Archbishop of Vancouver

“For his superb contributions towards realizing the vision of Ex Corde Ecclesiae in Catholic universities all over the world and his firm friendship for the Center for Thomistic Studies.”

2009-- Fr. Leo Elders, SVD , Professor of Philosophy, Rolduc Seminary, The Netherlands

“For his superb contribution to the study of St. Thomas Aquinas and his generosity to the Center for Thomistic Studies.”

2008—Fr. Victor Brezik, CSB and Mr. Hugh Roy Marshall, Founders of the Center for Thomistic Studies.

“With the gratitude of the Center faculty and students for these two men who created the institution within which we ‘dare to do all that we can!’”

2007—The Scanlan Foundation

“In gratitude for these wonderful gifts [the Frank A. Rudman Chair in Philosophy at the Center for Thomistic Studies and the Bishop Wendelin J. Nold Endowed Chair in Graduate Philosophy] and for their enduring  commitment to Catholic education.”

2006-- Avery Cardinal Dulles, Theologian

“On the 5th anniversary of his elevation to Cardinal by Pope John Paul II (21 February 2001) in recognition of his exemplary scholarship and in gratitude for his life-long defense of the faith and “of the hope that is in” us (1Peter 3:15).”

Mr. George Strake, Jr., Philanthropist

“For his unapologetic commitment to the Catholic tradition in higher education and for his generosity, which has given many young men and women the opportunity to study the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.