Offered Online & On Campus

Allan McBrideAbout 7.5 billion people live in the world, in 195 countries spread out over 24 times zones and speaking 6,500 languages. In spite of our huge variety of cultures and beliefs, the one thing we all have in common is an understanding of the universality of money.

Through financial markets, countries grow and businesses expand. Finance leaders involved in the day-to-day operations of those markets have great power to influence financial development around the world. The UST Master of Science in Finance program will empower you with knowledge to analyze, forecast and plan the management of financial resources.

UST is centrally located in Houston, making it easily accessible and closely connected to valuable networking opportunities with finance industry professionals.

Your success hinges on many factors, including the relationships you build with others in the business community. As a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas Cameron School of Business, you'll have unparalleled networking opportunities:

Business symposium
Business Symposium

Annual conference connecting you with alumni and leading Houston business experts.

Career Day
Career Day

Panel discussions with alumni and executives on how to best leverage a degree from UST.

Celts exploring businesses
Exploring Businesses

Visit organizations and hear from employees developing and executing business strategies.

Guest speakers
Guest Speakers

Every semester, guest speakers join classes to provide insights and expertise.

University of St. Thomas - Houston MSF Master of Science in Finance students on campus look at laptopFinance professionals require a specific skillset to lead in:

  • Banking & finance
  • Business consulting
  • Financial planning & analysis
  • Insurance
  • Real estate

Whatever your career goals, at UST you’ll develop the leadership and research skills you need to advance to the highest levels professionally. You’ll gain a wealth of knowledge about finance in class, and faculty will weave real-life applications into the learning experience to bring depth to your understanding.

UST’s Cameron School of Business has a close working relationship with the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Society Houston, providing excellent internship and career connections to the finance industry.

University of St. Thomas - Houston MSF Master of Science in Finance student on campusThe world of finance is highly competitive, and ethical behavior is not necessarily at the top of everyone’s priority list. At UST, we believe that real growth starts within, and your career and reputation will reflect the positive transformation within yourself. In the MSF program, you’re invited to discuss any concept – theology, philosophy and beyond – in addition to financial topics.

We support you in becoming a finance professional of faith and character, a bold, ethical leader effectively communicating and steering teams in the right direction. Through our commitment to the integrity of the human person, we’ll support you in building a better future in the financial sphere.