Intro - Sexual Assault Prevention and SupportThe University of St. Thomas upholds the teachings of the Catholic Church in all of her beauty and wisdom. We believe sex within marriage should be free, total, faithful, and fruitful. At UST, we are committed to upholding the inalienable dignity of every person from conception to natural death. We believe that, as Catholics, we are called to treat all people with charity and respect, including those whose beliefs differ from the teachings of the Catholic faith. The University of St. Thomas is committed to maintaining and strengthening an environment founded on civility and respect. 

We pledge to provide programs, activities, and an educational environment free from sex discrimination. We are committed to fostering a community that promotes prompt reporting of all types of Sexual Misconduct and timely and fair resolution of reports of Sexual Misconduct.

Sexual misconduct of any kind or any form of violence is inconsistent with the University’s values and incompatible with the safe, healthy environment that the University of St. Thomas community expects. All members of this community share responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment which promotes the safety and dignity of each individual. The most egregious form of sexual harassment and misconduct is sexual assault, which is an affront to justice that will not be tolerated at the University of St. Thomas. 

Federal laws view sexual misconduct, sexual assault, and related violence as forms of sexual harassment and discrimination prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of Education Amendments of 1972, and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, and related violence also violates state law as well as University policy. Employees, students, or guests found responsible for sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or related violence will ordinarily face outcomes up to and including dismissal from the University and may include criminal prosecution. Per the Federal government, Title IX applies to schools, local and state educational agencies, and other institutions that receive federal financial assistance from the Department.

The University believes that no person should bear the effects of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or related violence alone. When sexual misconduct, sexual assault or some form of related violence occurs, the University’s paramount concern is for the safety, health and well-being of those impacted.

University of St. Thomas Title IX Trainings