Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!
Sounds like a pretty good reason to study history!

View of fountain near Pantheon, RomeEverything you see around you, and many things you do not see, has a history.  Nothing that you see -- law, electricity, democracy, universities, constitutions, economy, religion, etc. etc. etc. – “popped” into existence out of Zeus’s or anybody else’s head.

History is rich in FASCINATING persons, customs, and monumental STRUGGLES. We can see how people, with their ideas and hopes, their plans and grand schemes, tried to make their way through this world. History is the lab experiment of human nature.

In the study of history we find ourselves and how human nature and human needs are the same throughout time.  But human solutions vary wildly! We see that the seemingly infinite complexity of the past can be distilled down, philosophically, to experiences that we can learn from, that they reveal themselves again and again, in all their variety and identity.  The lessons of history are for all of us to learn, or to ignore at our own peril. One great example: Lord Acton shows that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.” 

Dr. Thomas Behr, JD, Divisional Dean, Division Of Social And Behavioral Sciences & Global Studies

Employers, and graduate or professional schools, want broadly educated students, with both qualitative and quantitative reasoning competencies, the how and the why of complex problem solving.

Dr. Thomas Behr, JD, PhD Divisional Dean, Division Of Social And Behavioral Sciences & Global Studies

Interior of Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, ItalyStudents of history become captains of industry, artists, managers, entrepreneurs, public servants, lawyers, doctors, software developers, etc. etc. etc., but the study of history from the beginning has always been understood as an exploration of ourselves: what distinguishes and unites as peoples and societies.

As a student of history, you will learn research skills, how to mobilize evidence and present logical arguments and conclusions from your research.

You will learn about other peoples and cultures. History develops marketable skills, and great preparation for graduate specialization in a wide range of careers.  And you can easily add other marketable skills.

Students walk in front of Chapel of St. Basil on University of St. Thomas - Houston campusUST is Houston’s only Catholic university, inspired and guided by an ethical mission.

We have a special responsibility for the formation of the whole person, empowered for personal success and guided by commitment to faith and to reason.

UST’s Core Curriculum introduces students to the unity of knowledge and prepares them for further exploration of their chosen fields, in the Humanities and in the Sciences. You’ll learn effective techniques for research and analysis, critical thinking, good writing and giving presentations, all essential skills that can prepare you for engaged participation in society and in life.